What Is Happening in 2025:
Throughout our lives, we are constantly tempted to plant ourselves in the ways of the world that ultimately lead to death. Yet, deep within all of us is a longing to root ourselves into a true sustainable source of life.
This summer we are continuing our seven-year journey through scripture by entering the New Testament and digging into the gospels. Our focus will be based on the idea presented in John 14:6, that Jesus is The Way, The Truth, and The Life. By studying the life of Christ and His teachings, we will explore questions such as, “What does life with Jesus look like?” and “What are we supposed to do with this life?” God desires for us to be deeply rooted in the rich life Christ has provided for us. He wants us to continually seek to be cultivated, pruned, and grown by God in order to glorify the Kingdom.
Speakers and Bands

Ian O'Donnell
Session 1
Worship by Wes Taylor

Ian O'Donnell
Session 2
Worship Details Coming Soon

Cody Gillespy
Session 3
Worship Details Coming Soon

Adam Betterton
Session 4
Worship Details Coming Soon

Blair Cushman
Session 5
Worship by Appointed Worship

Stephen Gregory
Session 6
Worship by Leandro Reis

Session 7

Speaker Details Coming Soon
Session 8
Worship by Bo Carter

Lacy Abercrombie
Session 9
Worship with Jadon Parker

Stephen Gregory
Session 10
Worship with Jadon Parker

Zakk Ravelle
Session 11
Worship with Seasons Worship

Chris Hurt
Session 12
Worship with Seasons Worship
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6424 Hackberry Rd,
Rocksprings, TX
Phone: 830-683-3219