Building Authentic Relationships

You're never too young to learn the values of life-long friendship. Campers build community and trust with 11 other campers and 2 counselors. Without the distractions of phones, campers have the opportunity to engage in adventures that bond them together and teach them how to engage with each other authentically. Time and time again we see campers start the week as total strangers and leave camp as best friends. Giving campers the gift of Christ-centered friendships that grow over the years is just another way that we seek to inspire Christ-like change.

What is Twice the Adventure?

River’s Edge Twice the Adventure is a 2-week-long summer camp session. Campers spend their first week at Camp Eagle taking part in our regular programming. During the second week, campers head into our Camp Eagle backcountry for a week of camping that is fully outfitted by Camp Eagle and facilitated by our summer Wilderness Guides. It's a chance for campers to dive deeper into the scripture they learned during week one and to solidify the new friendships they have made. Twice the adventure, twice the fun, and memories that last forever.


Preparing Your Camper

We want your camper (and you) to enjoy Camp Eagle. So, here's our advice on how to prep your camper for adventure at camp!

Start Talking Now

If your camper has never been away overnight, try a weekend at a friend's house. This will also give you time to talk through any concerns or anxiety you or your camper may have about camp.

Get Active!

If your camper is unaccustomed to lots of physical activity, prepare for camp adventures by slowly increasing their activities in the weeks leading up to camp.

2x The Adventure Schedule

Check out the sample schedule for week two of the 2x The Adventure session!

Health & Safety

Camp Health And Safety Start At Home

Camp health and safety begins at home. First, we encourage everyone coming to camp to make sure you and all your campers are well-rested before arriving. You’ll be doing a lot that requires energy and it’s best to have some energy reserves stored up.

Staying hydrated is another very important element to a camper’s enjoyment during their stay. We encourage everyone to drink plenty of water throughout each day and to start their hydration process in advance at home so your body has hydration in store.

For parents sending first-time campers, we encourage preparing your child for camp as your child will be away from home and surrounded by new people, new activities, and a new environment.

Talk to them about new experiences they will have and new friends they will make to get them looking forward to the adventure and ease any nervous anticipation they might be experiencing.

For more information, check out our Preparing for Camp advice.


Campers need a lot of fuel to power them through their adventure activities each day and our Foodservice Director stays right on top of it by providing plenty of tasty meals made from high-quality ingredients and fresh, healthy produce. Our kitchens receive high inspection scores and our full-time cooks are certified in preparing food for campers to enjoy.

Medication (Collection & Distribution)

Camp Eagle's medical staff distributes all medications to campers. Medication will be collected upon the camper’s arrival and given to the medical staff for distribution throughout the week. Any emergency medications, such as inhalers and EpiPens, will remain on the camper or counselor at all times. Regulated refrigerators are available if needed.

All medication must be in its original prescription bottle with the camper/guest name, expiration date, and dosing information listed. Medications will be administered as prescribed by our designated Camp Health Director.

Bed Bugs & Lice Elimination

We hate bed bugs and lice, and are out to eliminate them! They are NOT welcome at camp and with the high volume of guests that come and go, we take many proactive steps to prevent them from showing up. We train our staff to look for signs of bed bugs, and we inspect for bed bugs between every camp session. But we can’t do it without you. So please do your part to ensure these pests don’t come to our camp or your home.

Helpful tips to eliminate an infestation and/or spread

  • Only send clean clothes and bedding that have been run through the dryer on high heat.
  • Wipe down all non-­cloth items with a warm washrag.
  • If you are sending luggage or items that have been in high ­risk areas (hotels, camps, dorms, apartments, airports, etc.) check for signs of bugs and treat them.
  • Pack your belongings in a hard trunk or plastic container that can be wiped and sanitized, or a soft duffle that has been run through the dryer.
  • When you return home, run your camper’s belongings, including the bag, through the washer and dry on high heat. Look through anything that can’t go in the dryer.
  • Teach your camper proper hygiene when it comes to washing hair and sharing hats, scarves, bandanas, or anything else they would put on his or her head.
  • If you notice your child scratching their hair before or after camp, please have them checked by a healthcare professional.

Water Safety

Our Staff goes through an extensive training course to attain their lifeguard certification, CPR/AED/First Aid certification, and training for all of the adventure activities we offer.

We have a large number of trained lifeguards on duty at all times during all waterfront activities. Lifeguards supervise and oversee all waterfront sports and action features to ensure that campers play safe and have the most fun possible.

Child Protection Plan

Camp Eagle takes your child’s safety very seriously and has a Child Protection Plan in place to ensure their well-being, maintain constant vigilance, and prevent abusive incidents from occurring. As a result, we have never had an incident of abuse. While we DO NOT discuss sexuality as part of our curriculum, it is important that you have an age-appropriate discussion with your child before attending camp. This will help keep your children safe any time they are away from you. Please review our Camper Code of Conduct with your child before they arrive, and educate them on what behaviors are acceptable and unacceptable. Let them know that if they encounter any problems, to go immediately to their counselor or closest available staff member for assistance.

First Aid

Camp Eagle provides basic first aid for minor injuries and ailments for Summer Camp campers. Well-stocked first aid kits are located near all of the major camp activity areas. They are regularly checked and accessible by all staff members. Trained staff also have basic first aid supplies on them at all times.

Our trained camp personnel and full­-time staff are responsible for treating minor scrapes and bruises and for making day-to-day medical decisions for campers within the limits of their training. For more serious injuries, conditions, or ailments, trained Emergency Medical Services (EMS) professionals are summoned to administer care and treatment as needed.


Camp Eagle has four working Automated External Defibrillators (AED) located throughout campus. Each AED is maintained in good working order and is checked and signed off on monthly by a designated program director to ensure that they are all working properly in case of a medical emergency that requires them.

What to Pack & What to Leave Behind

Download our full packing list and parent packet here! It includes all the information on what to bring for your camper to be fully prepared for a Camp Eagle summer experience.

Here is a quick look at what NOT to pack:

  • Campers do not need their cell phones at camp. If a camper has a cell phone it will be neatly locked away in a cubby.
  • Walkie­ Talkies
  • Knives, weapons, or anything sharp
  • Pets—not even little, cute pets.
  • Alcohol or drugs
  • Your own harness and/or helmet
  • MP3 players
  • Electronic Devices
  • Snacks
  • Anything your or your camper would miss if it were lost

Squirrel Bags + Camper Credit

Squirrel Bags

Squirrel bags are a great way to get some Camp Eagle gear that is both functional and fun! These bags come in three variations (acorn, oak, and grand oak) and must be purchased through your online account at least one week before your session begins so they can be ready for your camper. Check out our Squirrel Bag options:

Acorn $40

1 Camp Eagle Bag

1 Camp Eagle Shirt

1 Camp Eagle Water Bottle

Oak $60

1 Camp Eagle Bag

1 Camp Eagle Shirt

1 Camp Eagle Water Bottle

1 Camp Eagle Hat

1 Camp Eagle Journal

Grand Oak $85

1 Camp Eagle Bag

1 Camp Eagle Shirt

1 Camp Eagle Water Bottle

1 Camp Eagle Hat

1 Camp Eagle Hoodie

Camper Credit

Camp credit is money campers can spend during their visits to The Nest. This eliminates the need to send cash as it can get lost easily. You can add money to your camper's accountonline under “Camper Credit” before the session as well as monitor their balance during the week and add more funds if needed. At the end of your camper’s session, you will choose if the remaining funds will be donated to camp or refunded if the balance is over $5.

Camper Mail & Photos

Camper Mail

Campers LOVE to get mail! Mail will be delivered to campers every day at lunch. Please be courteous in the size of mail sent due to the number of campers and staff we have at Camp Eagle each week storage for big boxes can be an issue. Additionally, please no food or candy as it can attract unwanted insects and critters and can also create challenging situations, especially if other campers have specific food allergies.


We encourage you to “pre-write” your cards and letters and drop them off with us on check-in day. Please put your camper's name and the day you would like them to receive each piece of mail on the front of the envelope.

Digital Mail:

We have a one-way email service where you can send messages to your camper to be printed and delivered throughout the week. You can purchase an unlimited Camper Mail package for $10 in your online account.


If you would like to send your camper mail, please make sure to send it at least a week in advance through UPS. This is the address to use:

[Your Child’s Name]

Care of Camp Eagle- (program)

6424 Hackberry Rd

Rocksprings, TX 78880

Camper Photos

We know you want to see your camper having the most amazing week of their life. A QR code to the link will be given out at check-in and we will also send these links to your email on the first day of camp!

Getting to Camp + Bus Info

Getting Here

Our address:

6424 Hackberry Rd

Rocksprings, TX 78880

Your adventure begins when you turn off the pavement at HWY 41 and Hackberry Road, where you will travel eight miles down our dirt road. 

Rides to Summer Camp

Parents can meet our staff at the following locations for Rides to Camp. All times are subject to change. Parents MUST pick up their campers at Camp Eagle on Closing Day for all other sessions. The cost is in addition to normal Summer Camp fees. All registration and payments must be completed before the child’s week of camp. No refunds will be available. Rides will not be available for Session 1. Rides to Camp must be purchased the Thursday before your session starts.

Contact us for more info!


Bass Pro Shop – Katy Mills

5000 Katy Mills Cir Suite 415

Katy, TX 77494

9:00 am Pick Up

Cost $160/camper (includes lunch)

San Antonio

Bass Pro Shop – The Rim

17907 I-10

San Antonio, TX 78257

1:00 pm Pick Up

Please feed campers before they arrive

Cost $75/camper


Summer Camp at River's Edge for 6th - 8th Grade

Session 1


Camp Eagle



May 27-31, 2025


Session 2


Camp Eagle



June 1-7, 2025


Session 3


Camp Eagle



June 8-14, 2025


Session 4


Camp Eagle



June 15-21, 2025


Session 5


Camp Eagle



June 22-28, 2025


Session 6


Camp Eagle



June 29-July 5, 2025


Session 7


Camp Eagle



July 7-12, 2025


Session 8


Camp Eagle



July 14-19, 2025


Session 9


Camp Eagle



July 20-26, 2025


River's Edge 2x The Adventure

Twice The Adventure


Camp Eagle



June 15-28, 2025


Ready to take the adventure further?

Explore Wilderness Camp!

Have Questions?

Snail Mail:

6424 Hackberry Road

Rocksprings, TX 78880

Jonathan - Summer Camp Assistant Director